Art, Power and Protest. Immigrants’ Artistic Production and Political Mobilisation in France
by Angéline Escafré-Dublet (National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Paris)
To cite this article: Escafré-Dublet, A. (2010). Art, Power and Protest. Immigrants’ Artistic Production and Political Mobilisation in France. Diversities, 12(1), 5–19.
The mobilisation of second generation immigrants in the early 1980s in France has often been studied from the perspective of social movements and political participation. The presence of various forms of artistic creation as crucial vehicles for the expression of this generation has also been mentioned but rarely linked to the mobilisation itself. Drawing from an investigation on artistic initiatives conducted before and after the March for Equality and Against Racism in France (also referred to as the ‘Marche des Beurs’), this paper examines issues of representation, mobilisation and strategies of appropriation as expressed through artistic creation. It argues that immigrants’ artistic production contributes to the expression of minority-related demands by enabling particular interests to be represented and by challenging institutionalised interpretations of culture. It investigates the opportunity for immigrant artists to articulate minority-related demands through artistic creation and analyses the relationship between immigrant artists and cultural institutions.