The Influence of Ethnic-Specific Networks on Turkish Belgian Women’s Educational and Occupational Mobility
by Sinem Yılmaz, Bart Van de Putte and Peter A. J. Stevens (Ghent University)
This study explores how different forms of ethnic-specific networks and ties influence realized educational mobility – and subsequently occupational mobility– among a group of highly educated Turkish Belgian women. Analysis of interview data with thirty highly-educated Turkish Belgian women focuses on their experiences of how various forms of ethnic-specific networks developed opportunities and/or barriers for educational and occupational success, and the importance of structural features in which these networks are embedded. The findings suggest that the importance and influence of co-ethnic networks and ties can change over time and in relationship to different (inter-related) forms of social mobility.
Keywords: Turkish migrants, ethnic-specific networks, educational mobility, occupational mobility, Turkish Belgian women
Suggested bibliographic reference for this article: Yılmaz, S., Van de Putte, B., & Stevens, P. A. J. (2018). The Influence of Ethnic-Specific Networks on Turkish Belgian Women’s Educational and Occupational Mobility. New Diversities, 20(1), 1-15. Retrieved [todaysdate] from
New Diversities • Article 20, No. 1, 2018 |