Migrants, Associations and Home Country Development: Implications for Discussions on Transnationalism

by Joan Lacomba (Universidad de Valencia) and
Alexis Cloquell (Universidad Católica de Valencia)

The extent to which migrants participate in development projects has gained increasing prominence in the field of migration studies. In keeping with the interest of national and international institutions which promote the involvement of migrants in the development of their home countries, social research has begun to question how this phenomenon has grown (on the migrant or transnational civil society level), the nature of the organisations that drive such actions (transnational organisations) and the implications on the latter (transnational development). Many studies have seen migrant organisations as new actors in the transnational field; when not seen as emerging players, they are perceived as figures that can shape the transnational field. In order to assess the impact of migrant associations in debates of transnationalism, this article investigates the characteristics of migrant organizations located in Spain, as well as their practices aimed at development in the countries of origin.

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Suggested bibliographic reference for this article:
Lacomba, J., & Cloquell, A. (2014). Migrants, Associations and Home Country Development: Implications for Discussions on Transnationalism. New Diversities, 16(2), 21-37. Retrieved [todaysdate] from https://newdiversities.mmg.mpg.de/?page_id=1726
16-01_CoverNew Diversities • Volume 16, No. 2, 2014
Migration and Development: Rethinking Recruitment, Remittances, Diaspora Support and Return
Guest Editor: Ninna Nyberg Sørensen (Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS)
ISSN-Print 2199-8108
ISSN-Internet 2199-8116