Understanding Diaspora Organisations in European Development Cooperation – Approaches, Challenges and Ways Ahead

by Nauja Kleist (Danish Institute for International Studies)

This article examines how Northwestern European development aid agencies support the development activities of diaspora organisations, especially in fragile situations. The article interrogates the perceived relationship between diaspora involvement and development, and how this perception is reflected in the ways in which development agencies collaborate with diaspora organisations through mainstream funding schemes, special diaspora initiatives and network support. Three tendencies are identified: a high emphasis on technical fixes; a tension between perceptions of diaspora organisations as special development agents and a mainstreaming ideal; and, finally, that diaspora organisations appear as particularly risky recipient groups to some development professionals because of their personal involvement in the country of origin. The article further argues that policy incoherence as well as underlying notions of development as planned, professionalized and based on a sedentary bias contribute to the marginal role diaspora organisations currently play in the professional development field.

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Suggested bibliographic reference for this article:
Kleist, N. (2014). Understanding Diaspora Organisations in European Development Cooperation – Approaches, Challenges and Ways Ahead. New Diversities, 16(2), 55-69. Retrieved [todaysdate] from https://newdiversities.mmg.mpg.de/?page_id=1732
16-01_CoverNew Diversities • Volume 16, No. 2, 2014
Migration and Development: Rethinking Recruitment, Remittances, Diaspora Support and Return
Guest Editor: Ninna Nyberg Sørensen (Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS)
ISSN-Print 2199-8108
ISSN-Internet 2199-8116